Most of the things which man once thought were
impossible have become possible.
Think about such discoveries as flight, cures for diseases, all of the accomplishments in all fields of learning.
So, why not world peace and unity?
Global understanding?
It IS possible, and we CAN achieve it...
one person at a time. By strengthening the love and respect we have for ourselves, we can be in a position to want to help others to reach that same level. By effecting change within ourselves and our immediate environment, it will eventually have an impact on the greater community.
We need to fight the cliches of "Well, that's the way it's always been, so it won't change" or, "World peace is impossible", or, "What could I possibly do to change that? I'm only one person".
We shouldn't believe in "can't". Anything is possible if we only believe and put our belief into action. It's time to stop complaining about what society has created and start taking responsibility for being part of that very society. We need to strengthen our individual resolve in order to have the courage to speak out and be heard. Of equal importance is to improve our ability to effectively communicate that vision in a way that will make others want to listen, and inspire them to want a better life for themselves and everyone they know... and even for those they don't know.