We work with any group that is looking for self-improvement, growth within a team environment (corporate and community organizations), or down to earth inspirational messages to improve attitude and boost morale.

Many of our clients are corporate, coming from companies with 20 to 500 employees. We also service community groups, such as First Nations Councils and not-for-profit organizations.

1. A program was designed for a group in need of change. This particular group was in the health services field and was comprised of 12 individuals. A lot of interpersonal relationship problems were being encountered and unbeknownst to the facilitator, the group was about to receive a very stern "talking-to" from one of four main council members of the band. Dawn tells us: "After the delivery of the morning workshop, this councilperson came to me, shaking and apparently nervous. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he had intended to come down hard on the group about all the things I had spoken on. Since I had addressed all of these issues so effectively and with such great thoroughness, he was now unsure as to what he was going to say. We worked over the lunch hour together to come up with a solution."

2. A group that was on the road 90% of the time had a two-day session to improve interpersonal relationships with a focus on effective communication. Tools were recommended to keep up positive attitudes despite interactions with clients that left them feeling drained and less-positive on a regular basis. Recorded inspirational talks proved helpful in the long hours of driving where they could refresh themselves with self-empowerment and improve positive thinking.

3. A day-long workshop with managers from locations in two provinces was designed to help the participants get to know each other better and be more comfortable interacting with each other. They had a lot of fun before sitting down to examine goal-setting and an intense plan to achieve those goals. Other aspects of the day included self-awareness improvement and communication enhancement.

We respect your privacy. As we would not be specific about the ways in which each group has required our services, we are happy to provide a partial list of satisfied clients who have received workshops, keynotes, and entertainment services.

Health Canada
Government of Canada - Human Resources
Legislative Building, Visitor Services
Saskatchewan Abilities Council
Herbal Magic
Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Royal Bank Customer Service Centre
MacKenzie Art Gallery
SaskTel Pioneers
Direct West
Staples Customer Service Centre
Dominion Construction
Quality Assured Seeds
Toy and Gift Fair 2004
Condon Survey Group
Sherwood Credit Union
Wascana Center Authority
Wascana Rehabilitation Center
Parkside Extendicare
Bennett Dunlop
NorthWest Leisure Center
Cooperator's Insurance
Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion
Canada Day Committee
Avon Canada
Kahkewistahaw Band
Olive Waller Zinkhan Waller
SYSCO Food Services
Bushwakkers Brew Pub
Crown and Hand Pub
Parents of Multiples
Wascana Lodge Masons
Poplar River Power Plant
Nokomis Summer Fair and Rodeo
Bank of Montreal
Technology Management Corporation
PCL Construction
Ralph MacKay Industries
Harvard Developments
Regina Exhibition Park
CUPE 3967
the Town of Markinch
The Delta Hotel - Saskatchewan Trade and Convention Center
Auto Electric
Dilawri Automotive Group
The Ramada Hotel
The Regina Inn
Pioneer Grain
MMC Social Club (SaskTel)
CPR Social Club
Twin Lakes Community Association
Kipling Fire Department