It happens to every person and in every workplace. The pressure builds as demands from home and work leave us too stressed to cope effectively. The more the pressure builds, the less capable we are, and the less capable we are, the more the pressure builds. What a horrible cycle!

When we’re all caught up, where do we find the mental and emotional time to enjoy our work, our co-workers, and our accomplishments? How can we develop the skills to not only manage adversity, but become a stronger team because of it?

Our FunTAZMprov Team Building Workshops are designed with fun in mind to develop effective expression, communication, and greater trust between individuals. As members experience the variety of improvisational theatre games, group discussions and inspirational lectures, self-esteem and group dynamic visibly improve.

Is your group ready to be inspired to make a difference in their lives, in your organization, and in the community?

Our workshops have a strong emphasis on the following:

  • Fun!
  • Customized to meet your goals
  • Building strong group dynamics
  • Respect for every member of your group
  • Freedom of expression
  • Improved self awareness
  • Group discussions in a safe environment
  • Inspiration to make a difference, one person at a time
  • You share your specific goals for the workshop and leave the rest to our experienced team-builders.