Trained Mediator helps with
Effective Communication
Mediation Works!


Looking for a trained mediator?

Need some impartial mediation for effective communication?

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you are experiencing conflict. A trained mediator can help you to understand each other, express yourself, and help all parties reach a win-win situation where needs are being met, not ignored or neglected.

Mediation comes naturally to Dawn, who decided in 2008 to start taking her training as a mediator through the Saskatchewan Department of Justice. In an effort to gain experience and start helping people in conflict, you can hire Dawn as your mediator for a very nominal fee and in some cases, pro bono.

Dawn has been studying Conflict Resolution for over a decade through private study and has already helped many people through their conflict to reach higher levels of understanding and compassion. She is an expert in communication, has spent a lot of time becoming very self-aware, and comes from a place of great strength and courage from the experiences she has had in her life journey. She is an excellent example of confidentiality and respects the privacy of everyone she is in contact with. Feel safe in knowing that she really does have your best interests in mind.

We pride ourselves in offering options for people who have different needs. No matter what you think you can or cannot have in your life, just call FunTAZM and talk to Dawn about your Mediation needs. If she cannot help you, she will help you find someone who can. All you have to do is reach out and ask.

Contact Dawn about Mediation and Effective Communication

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Origin of FunTAZM, FunTAZ®

Created 2001

Creator and originator of FunTAZM, plus the many FunTAZTIC Ideas and FunTAZ® derivitives, is Dawn Alexis Suchoboki. The original brainchild was developed prior to March 2001 and although created many months prior to the launch date for the website, FunTAZM celebrates its business anniversary on March 17th every year. The ideas quickly grew and developed, with the wordlore derived from the root "funtaz" growing to over 100 entries. Stay tuned for the e-book "FunTAZ®ictionary" which is an interesting and fun filled read, to say the least.

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