
That's FunTAZtic!

Do you know what you want but don't know how to get it?

Have you tried to ask people for help but they weren't willing to help you?

Is the advice you're getting very guarded and not very helpful in achieving your goals?

Here at FunTAZM, we want to help you by sharing our knowledge and expertise with individuals who are looking to break into the field of entertainment, strengthen or learn life skills, or want to go into business for themselves as entrepreneurs. Mentorship is not about providing only select information or keeping tabs on you to control your development. Mentorship IS an honest, confidential relationship. Mentorship IS about helping you learn from someone who has already been where you are. Mentorship IS about helping you achieve your goals.

The people whom we choose to mentor are selected based on their willingness to ask for help, their willingness to learn, their ability to remain confidential, and who already exhibit exceptional character and moral ethics. We are willing to put a lot of time and energy into those we mentor to develop those traits, but we want a trustworthy beginning. We do not want to waste our time on those who are not suitable candidates, as we do not mentor very many people at one time. Mentorship opportunities may not be available for you at the time you inquire, but you won't know unless you ask.

Contact FunTAZM about applying for Mentorship Opportunities

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Names used with permission

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Shopping Center

Check out some of the great items for sale in the FunTAZMarketplace, including T-shirts, CD's, posters, photos, books, and more. Use your FunTAZMoney in place of cash! (contact us to find out how)

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Origin of FunTAZM, FunTAZ™

Created 2001

Creator and originator of FunTAZM, plus the many FunTAZtic Ideas and FunTAZ™ derivitives, is Dawn Alexis Suchoboki. The original brainchild was developed prior to March 2001 and although created many months prior to the launch date for the website, FunTAZM celebrates its business anniversary on March 17th every year. The ideas quickly grew and developed, with the wordlore derived from the root "funtaz" growing to over 100 entries. Stay tuned for the e-book "FunTAZ™ictionary" which is an interesting and fun filled read, to say the least.

Contact FunTAZM